Monday, December 08, 2008


Do you ever feel offended when your friends make fun of you or something about you?

Do you feel offended even when you know they aren't trying to make you feel bad?

Do you ever feel offended when your friends judge you for doing something which they used to do?

I feel offended.

I also feel angry and upset.

The other side of the coin isn't so much fun.


amrit said...

Awww.. hugs beta!

Abhishek said...

welcome to the real world. i assume you're from Lala-land where everything is good and food always has the right amount of salt.
in simpler words, this is life; you better get to it before it gets to you. have fun. that's the least you can do with it.

Gastro Mallu said...


Its called Viewing Life with a Perspective